Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Tattoo Apprenticeship pt2

More apprenticeship tattoos Ive done!
Im learning so much. Im so glad my friends are willing to let me practice on them lol
If you see this, THANK YOU!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Tattoo Apprenticeship pt1

I've been working at a shop in Barrhaven called Ventura Blvd ( ). Its a great shop, with some amazing artists that Im honoured to be working with. They've been teaching me a lot during my apprenticeship.. and have now allowed me to finally tattoo people!
I've been tattooing for 2 weeks now. Here are some tattoos I've done.

Pinocchio Woman Album Cover

Im doing some work for a bands Album cover right now! Pretty Exciting! They've asked em to paint a cover with a woman Pinocchio, with her shirt off haha This is what ive done so far.. 2hours in, and I still have A LOT to do.