Sunday, 28 August 2011

Oil Paint Sketches

I bought some oil paint yesterday to try the 'dry brush' technique. I ended up just messing around with the paint and these are two paintings I did. Nothing overly planned out.. just having fun.





Sunday, 21 August 2011

sKetches II

More pencil drawn pictures I have done. Some old, some new.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Tattoo Concepts II

Baboon Bio Organic Sleeve
Ive been trying to work on different styles, and I tried doing some bio mech, and bio organic tattoo ideas.
The lady bug was my first, and the baboon sleeve was my second. I plan on doing a lot more.

Rooted head

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Characters in environments

Environments are not a specialty of mine! ..But Im learning, and Im going to try and pump some more out soon. 


This character below is a remake of one of my friends drawings. I liked it, and decided to change some things around, and make it my style and my own, so i wouldn't be stealing it haha 
This is what I came up with!


These are just quick speed paints

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Monday, 1 August 2011

Tattoo Concepts

These are some tattoo ideas I've drawn up, that id like to do on people.